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Version: 6.x

Shared Webpack configs

single-spa also publishes a few shared Webpack config packages that include basics needed for creating single-spa applications. These configs are used by applications generated with create-single-spa, and can be used as a starting point to extend/modify a custom configuration for your organization/team.

These packages are housed within the create-single-spa repository.


Github project

A shareable, customizable webpack config that is used for single-spa modules. As of webpack-config-single-spa@6, native ES modules are outputted, by default.


npm install --save-dev webpack-config-single-spa webpack-merge

# or
yarn add --dev webpack-config-single-spa webpack-merge


const singleSpaDefaults = require("webpack-config-single-spa");
const { merge } = require("webpack-merge"); // webpack-merge@5.0.3+

module.exports = (webpackConfigEnv, argv) => {
const defaultConfig = singleSpaDefaults({
// The name of the organization this application is written for
orgName: "name-of-company",
// The name of the current project. This usually matches the git repo's name
projectName: "name-of-project",
// See for explanation of webpackConfigEnv
// The CLI commands in the package.json script that triggered this build
// optional
// This changes whether package names that start with @your-org-name are
// treated as webpack externals or not. Defaults to true
orgPackagesAsExternal: true,

// optional, defaults to false
// This changes the webpack output.libraryTarget so that the output bundle is in System.register() format
// Older versions of webpack-config-single-spa outputted System.register() format by default, so this
// option exists for backwards compatibility for organizations who haven't yet upgraded to SystemJS
outputSystemJS: false,

// optional
// See for details
// This allows for auto-externalizing of shared dependencies
importMapUrl: '',

// optional, defaults to 1
// This is the rootDirectoryLevel that is passed to
rootDirectoryLevel: 1,

// optional, defaults to false
// Disable html-webpack-plugin (and standalone-single-spa-webpack-plugin) entirely
// This is intended for root configs, but can be used in other cases, too
disableHtmlGeneration: false,

return merge(defaultConfig, {
// modify the webpack config however you'd like to by adding to this object


Github project

A shareable, customizable webpack config that adds react-specific configuration to webpack-config-single-spa.


npm install --save-dev webpack-config-single-spa-react webpack-merge

# or
yarn add --dev webpack-config-single-spa-react webpack-merge


const singleSpaDefaults = require('webpack-config-single-spa-react');
const webpackMerge = require('webpack-merge');

module.exports = (webpackConfigEnv, argv) => {
const defaultConfig = singleSpaDefaults({
// The name of the organization this application is written for
orgName: 'name-of-company',
// The name of the current project. This usually matches the git repo's name
projectName: 'name-of-project',
// See for explanation of webpackConfigEnv
// The CLI commands in the package.json script that triggered this build
// optional
// This changes whether package names that start with @your-org-name are
// treated as webpack externals or not. Defaults to true
orgPackagesAsExternal: true,

// optional, defaults to 1
// This is the rootDirectoryLevel that is passed to
rootDirectoryLevel: 1,

// optional, defaults to {}
// This controls the options given to standalone-single-spa-webpack-plugin
// See
standaloneOptions: {},

return merge(defaultConfig, {
// modify the webpack config however you'd like to by adding to this object


Github project

A shareable, customizable webpack config that adds typescript-specific configuration to webpack-config-single-spa. Note that webpack-config-single-spa-ts has a peerDependency on typescript.


npm install --save-dev webpack-config-single-spa-ts webpack-merge

# or
yarn add --dev webpack-config-single-spa-ts webpack-merge


const webpackMerge = require("webpack-merge");
const singleSpaDefaults = require("webpack-config-single-spa-ts");

module.exports = (webpackConfigEnv, argv) => {
const defaultConfig = singleSpaDefaults({
// The name of the organization this application is written for
orgName: "name-of-company",
// The name of the current project. This usually matches the git repo's name
projectName: "name-of-project",
// See for explanation of webpackConfigEnv
// The CLI commands in the package.json script that triggered this build

return, {
// modify the webpack config however you'd like to by adding to this object
const singleSpaTs = require("webpack-config-single-spa-ts");

// Alternatively, you may modify a webpack config directly
const myOtherWebpackConfig = {
/* ... */
const finalConfig = singleSpaDefaults.modifyConfig(myOtherWebpackConfig);


Github project

A shareable, customizable webpack config that creates a webpack config that works with both react and typescript. Note that webpack-config-single-spa-react-ts simply merges the config from webpack-config-single-spa-react with that of webpack-config-single-spa-ts.


npm install --save-dev webpack-config-single-spa-react-ts webpack-merge

# or
yarn add --dev webpack-config-single-spa-react-ts webpack-merge


const webpackMerge = require("webpack-merge");
const singleSpaDefaults = require("webpack-config-single-spa-react-ts");

module.exports = (webpackConfigEnv, argv) => {
const defaultConfig = singleSpaDefaults({
// The name of the organization this application is written for
orgName: "name-of-company",

// The name of the current project. This usually matches the git repo's name
projectName: "name-of-project",

// optional
// This changes whether package names that start with @your-org-name are
// treated as webpack externals or not. Defaults to true
orgPackagesAsExternal: true,

// See for explanation of webpackConfigEnv

// The CLI commands in the package.json script that triggered this build

// optional, defaults to 1
// This is the rootDirectoryLevel that is passed to
rootDirectoryLevel: 1,

// optional, defaults to false.
// When true, this removes html-webpack-plugin and standalone-single-spa-webpack-plugin
disableHtmlGeneration: false,

return, {
// modify the webpack config however you'd like to by adding to this object

Custom Webpack configuration

Our shared Webpack configs are intended to be extensible to fit the requirements of your applications. These custom config options can be made in each project's webpack.config.js file generated by create-single-spa, or used as the basis for a tailored shared config for your organization.

  • Use require.resolve to reuse loaders that are included as dependencies
    • this is especially useful for reusing any of webpack-config-single-spa-*'s dependencies
  • webpack-merge does not support merging configs exported as a function, which may be relevant if creating shared config packages. webpack-config-single-spa-* configs require webpackConfigEnv and argv parameters which necesitates exporting a config function but return a plain object. This makes it compatible with webpack-merge.
  • Use webpack-merge's mergeWithRules function to merge and de-duplicate webpack rules

Example: load SVGs as components

You must also install @svgr/webpack.


Available in webpack-config-single-spa@5.3.0+

const singleSpaDefaults = require("webpack-config-single-spa");
const { mergeWithRules } = require("webpack-merge");

const merge = mergeWithRules({
module: {
rules: {
// replace the entire `rule` if the `test` property matches
test: "match",
use: "replace",

module.exports = (env, argv) => {
const defaultConfig = singleSpaDefaults({
orgName: "abcde",
projectName: "fghij",
webpackConfigEnv: env,

const config = merge(defaultConfig, {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.svg$/i,
use: [{ loader: "@svgr/webpack" }],

// console.dir(config, null, 2) // useful for debugging
return config;

Replacing plugins

Use webpack-merge's mergeWithCustomize to resolve duplicate plugins or replace instances. Duplicate plugins often result in cryptic errors!

When referencing a loader that is installed as a dependency of webpack-config-single-spa, use require.resolve to ensure its path is resolved correctly.

Example: replace HtmlWebpackPlugin instance

const { mergeWithCustomize, unique } = require("webpack-merge");
const singleSpaDefaults = require("webpack-config-single-spa");
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin");

const merge = mergeWithCustomize({
customizeArray: unique(
(plugin) => plugin.constructor &&,

module.exports = (env, argv) => {
const orgName = "example";
const myEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV || "development";

const defaultConfig = singleSpaDefaults({
projectName: "custom-root-config",
webpackConfigEnv: env,

const config = merge(defaultConfig, {
plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
inject: false,
template: "src/custom.ejs",
templateParameters: {
isLocal: env?.isLocal,
// additional templateParameters can now be supplied
environment: myEnv,

// console.dir(config, null, 2) // useful for debugging
return config;