Attendees: Artur Androsovych, Ian Bacher, Jake Hayes, Milan Kovacic
Achievements and Progress from November
- Successfully released single-spa version 6, marking a significant milestone in the project's development
December 2023 Roadmap
- Update dependencies, and set up automation, starting with create-single-spa
- Continue work on the consolidation and updates of the example projects
Meeting Notes
- Welcomed Ian Bacher as a new addition to the core team.
- Reviewed single-spa roadmap
Initiatives and Goals
- Adding unit tests to existing projects
- SystemJS -> ESM migration
- create-single-spa update (
- Release single-spa 6 as latest ✅
- Improve shared dependencies management
- Autopublishes to npm
- Server rendering enhancements?
- Support for NextJS, NuxtJS, Remix, create-react-app, and other build tools
- Consolidate example projects 🚧
- Feature voting
- Automated integration tests for popular frameworks
- Update create-single-spa dependencies 🚧