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Introducing Single-Spa's New Core Team Members

· 2 min read

Please welcome the latest additions to the Single-Spa core team. These talented individuals bring fresh energy and a wealth of expertise and are poised to revitalize and expand the Single-Spa project.

Meet the Team

Artur Androsovych

Artur Androsovych is a Google Developer Expert in Angular and an open-source contributor who has been focusing on runtime performance and teaching teams about Angular internals for the past few years. He has maintained the single-spa-angular project for years, and we're excited for him to join the core team.

Roberto Mosca

Roberto is a Principal Software Engineer at TravelPerk (, where he is the go-to person for all things related to their frontend platform. With a full-stack background, he's got his hands on a variety of tech — from Python to NodeJS, React, Webpack... Before diving into the world of business travel, he was immersed in biomedical research as a bioinformatician. When he is not in front of a screen, you’ll find him swimming, cooking up some Italian delicacies, or tinkering with his Rubik’s cube-solving robots.

Milan Kovacic

Milan Kovacic is a seasoned software consultant with deep expertise in various development domains. On the frontend side, his work is marked by proficiency in React, TypeScript, and the integration of microfrontends. For backend solutions, he mostly relies on the .NET framework, C#—often utilizing microservices architecture. Additionally, Milan is experienced with cloud technologies, regularly working with platforms like AWS and Azure. Beyond traditional development, he places great emphasis on ensuring a smooth developer experience and promotes the use of automation and efficient DevOps practices to streamline development workflows.

These three new members will be joining current members Joel Denning, Carlos Filoteo, and Anthony Frehner to manage GitHub and Slack issues and actively develop new features. We’d also like to give special recognition to contributors from Qiankun for their extensive support over the years.

As part of this team update, we’ll also be creating a public roadmap, providing transparency about Single-Spa's future direction. To maintain transparency and encourage collaboration, we're establishing monthly meetings where the core team will discuss progress, challenges, and ideas. Meeting notes will be publicly available, ensuring that the community is well-informed and able to participate in our discussions.

So stay tuned and join us on this journey shaping the future of microfrontends.